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Task Scheduler Managed Class Library

TaskRights Enumeration

Specifies the access control rights that can be applied to Task Scheduler tasks.

Namespace: Microsoft.Win32.TaskScheduler
Assembly: Microsoft.Win32.TaskScheduler (in Microsoft.Win32.TaskScheduler.dll) Version: 2.12.0
public enum TaskRights
Request Example
Member nameValueDescription
ReadData1Specifies the right to open and copy a task or folder. This does not include the right to read file system attributes, extended file system attributes, or access and audit rules.
WriteData2Specifies the right to open and write to a file or folder. This does not include the right to open and write file system attributes, extended file system attributes, or access and audit rules.
AppendData4Specifies the right to append data to the end of a file.
ReadExtendedAttributes8Specifies the right to open and copy extended system attributes from a folder or task. For example, this value specifies the right to view author and content information. This does not include the right to read data, system attributes, or access and audit rules.
WriteExtendedAttributes16Specifies the right to open and write extended file system attributes to a folder or file. This does not include the ability to write data, attributes, or access and audit rules.
ExecuteFile32Specifies the right to run a task.
DeleteChild64Specifies the right to delete a folder and any tasks contained within that folder.
ReadAttributes128Specifies the right to open and copy file system attributes from a folder or task. For example, this value specifies the right to view the file creation or modified date. This does not include the right to read data, extended file system attributes, or access and audit rules.
WriteAttributes256Specifies the right to open and write file system attributes to a folder or file. This does not include the ability to write data, extended attributes, or access and audit rules.
Delete65,536The right to delete a folder or task.
ReadPermissions131,072The right to open and copy the access rules and audit rules for a task.
ChangePermissions262,144Specifies the right to change the security and audit rules associated with a task or folder.
TakeOwnership524,288The right to change the owner of a task.
Synchronize1,048,576The right to wait on a task.
Read1,179,785Specifies the right to open and copy folders or tasks as read-only. This right includes the following rights: .
Execute1,179,785Specifies the right run tasks. This right includes the following rights: .
Write1,179,926Specifies the right to create tasks and folders, and to add or remove data from tasks. This right includes the following rights: .
FullControl2,032,127Specifies the right to exert full control over a task folder or task, and to modify access control and audit rules. This value represents the right to do anything with a task and is the combination of all rights in this enumeration.
See Also