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Task Scheduler Managed Class Library

TaskCompatibility Enumeration

Defines what versions of Task Scheduler or the AT command that the task is compatible with.

Namespace: Microsoft.Win32.TaskScheduler
Assembly: Microsoft.Win32.TaskScheduler (in Microsoft.Win32.TaskScheduler.dll) Version: 2.12.0
public enum TaskCompatibility
Request Example
Member nameValueDescription
AT0The task is compatible with the AT command.
V11 The task is compatible with Task Scheduler 1.0 (Windows Server™ 2003, Windows® XP, or Windows® 2000).

Items not available when compared to V2:

  • TaskDefinition.Principal.GroupId - All account information can be retrieved via the UserId property.
  • TaskLogonType values Group, None and S4U are not supported.
  • TaskDefinition.Principal.RunLevel == TaskRunLevel.Highest is not supported.
  • Assigning access security to a task is not supported using TaskDefinition.RegistrationInfo.SecurityDescriptorSddlForm or in RegisterTaskDefinition.
  • TaskDefinition.RegistrationInfo.Documentation, Source, URI and Version properties are only supported using this library. See details in the remarks for Data.
  • TaskDefinition.Settings.AllowDemandStart cannot be false.
  • TaskDefinition.Settings.AllowHardTerminate cannot be false.
  • TaskDefinition.Settings.MultipleInstances can only be IgnoreNew.
  • TaskDefinition.Settings.NetworkSettings cannot have any values.
  • TaskDefinition.Settings.RestartCount can only be 0.
  • TaskDefinition.Settings.StartWhenAvailable can only be false.
  • TaskDefinition.Actions can only contain ExecAction instances unless the TaskDefinition.Actions.PowerShellConversion property has the Version1 flag set.
  • TaskDefinition.Triggers cannot contain CustomTrigger, EventTrigger, SessionStateChangeTrigger, or RegistrationTrigger instances.
  • TaskDefinition.Triggers cannot contain instances with delays set.
  • TaskDefinition.Triggers cannot contain instances with ExecutionTimeLimit or Id properties set.
  • TaskDefinition.Triggers cannot contain LogonTriggers instances with the UserId property set.
  • TaskDefinition.Triggers cannot contain MonthlyDOWTrigger instances with the RunOnLastWeekOfMonth property set to true.
  • TaskDefinition.Triggers cannot contain MonthlyTrigger instances with the RunOnDayWeekOfMonth property set to true.
V22 The task is compatible with Task Scheduler 2.0 (Windows Vista™, Windows Server™ 2008).

This version is the baseline for the new, non-file based Task Scheduler. See V1 remarks for functionality that was not forward-compatible.

V2_13 The task is compatible with Task Scheduler 2.1 (Windows® 7, Windows Server™ 2008 R2).

Changes from V2:

  • TaskDefinition.Principal.ProcessTokenSidType can be defined as a value other than Default.
  • TaskDefinition.Actions may not contain EmailAction or ShowMessageAction instances unless the TaskDefinition.Actions.PowerShellConversion property has the Version2 flag set.
  • TaskDefinition.Principal.RequiredPrivileges can have privilege values assigned.
  • TaskDefinition.Settings.DisallowStartOnRemoteAppSession can be set to true.
  • TaskDefinition.UseUnifiedSchedulingEngine can be set to true.
V2_24 The task is compatible with Task Scheduler 2.2 (Windows® 8.x, Windows Server™ 2012).

Changes from V2_1:

  • TaskDefinition.Settings.MaintenanceSettings can have Period or Deadline be values other than TimeSpan.Zero or the Exclusive property set to true.
  • TaskDefinition.Settings.Volatile can be set to true.
V2_35 The task is compatible with Task Scheduler 2.3 (Windows® 10, Windows Server™ 2016).

Changes from V2_2:

  • None published.
See Also