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Task Scheduler Managed Class Library

StandardTaskEventId Enumeration

Changes to tasks and the engine that cause events.

Namespace: Microsoft.Win32.TaskScheduler
Assembly: Microsoft.Win32.TaskScheduler (in Microsoft.Win32.TaskScheduler.dll) Version: 2.12.0
public enum StandardTaskEventId
Request Example
Member nameValueDescription
Unknown-2A unknown value.
JobStart100Task Scheduler started an instance of a task for a user.
JobStartFailed101Task Scheduler failed to start a task for a user.
JobSuccess102Task Scheduler successfully finished an instance of a task for a user.
JobFailure103Task Scheduler failed to start an instance of a task for a user.
LogonFailure104Task Scheduler failed to log on the user.
ImpersonationFailure105Task Scheduler failed to impersonate a user.
JobRegistered106The a user registered the Task Scheduler a task.
TimeTrigger107Task Scheduler launched an instance of a task due to a time trigger.
EventTrigger108Task Scheduler launched an instance of a task due to an event trigger.
ImmediateTrigger109Task Scheduler launched an instance of a task due to a registration trigger.
Run110Task Scheduler launched an instance of a task for a user.
JobTermination111Task Scheduler terminated an instance of a task due to exceeding the time allocated for execution, as configured in the task definition.
JobNoStartWithoutNetwork112Task Scheduler could not start a task because the network was unavailable. Ensure the computer is connected to the required network as specified in the task.
TaskRegisteredWithoutSomeTriggers113The Task Scheduler registered the a task, but not all the specified triggers will start the task. Ensure all the task triggers are valid.
MissedTaskLaunched114Task Scheduler could not launch a task as scheduled. Instance is started now as required by the configuration option to start the task when available, if the scheduled time is missed.
TransactionRollbackFailure115Task Scheduler failed to roll back a transaction when updating or deleting a task.
TaskRegisteredWithoutCredentials116Task Scheduler saved the configuration for a task, but the credentials used to run the task could not be stored.
IdleTrigger117Task Scheduler launched an instance of a task due to an idle condition.
BootTrigger118Task Scheduler launched an instance of a task due to system startup.
LogonTrigger119Task Scheduler launched an instance of a task due to a user logon.
ConsoleConnectTrigger120Task Scheduler launched an instance of a task due to a user connecting to the console.
ConsoleDisconnectTrigger121Task Scheduler launched an instance of a task due to a user disconnecting from the console.
RemoteConnectTrigger122Task Scheduler launched an instance of a task due to a user remotely connecting.
RemoteDisconnectTrigger123Task Scheduler launched an instance of a task due to a user remotely disconnecting.
SessionLockTrigger124Task Scheduler launched an instance of a task due to a user locking the computer.
SessionUnlockTrigger125Task Scheduler launched an instance of a task due to a user unlocking the computer.
FailedTaskRestart126Task Scheduler failed to execute a task. Task Scheduler is attempting to restart the task.
RejectedTaskRestart127Task Scheduler failed to execute a task due to a shutdown race condition. Task Scheduler is attempting to restart the task.
IgnoredTaskStart128Task Scheduler did not launch a task because the current time exceeds the configured task end time.
CreatedTaskProcess129Task Scheduler launched an instance of a task in a new process.
TaskNotRunServiceBusy130The Task Scheduler service failed to start a task due to the service being busy.
TaskNotStartedTaskQueueQuotaExceeded131Task Scheduler failed to start a task because the number of tasks in the task queue exceeds the quota currently configured.
TaskQueueQuotaApproaching132The Task Scheduler task launching queue quota is approaching its preset limit of tasks currently configured.
TaskNotStartedEngineQuotaExceeded133Task Scheduler failed to start a task in the task engine for a user.
EngineQuotaApproaching134Task Engine for a user is approaching its preset limit of tasks.
NotStartedWithoutIdle135Task Scheduler did not launch a task because launch condition not met, machine not idle.
TaskUpdated140A user updated Task Scheduler a task
TaskDeleted141A user deleted Task Scheduler a task
TaskDisabled142A user disabled Task Scheduler a task
TaskStartedOnComputerWakeup145Task Scheduler woke up the computer to run a task.
TaskEventSubscriptionFailed150Task Scheduler failed to subscribe the event trigger for a task.
ActionStart200Task Scheduler launched an action in an instance of a task.
ActionSuccess201Task Scheduler successfully completed a task instance and action.
ActionFailure202Task Scheduler failed to complete an instance of a task with an action.
ActionLaunchFailure203Task Scheduler failed to launch an action in a task instance.
EventRenderFailed204Task Scheduler failed to retrieve the event triggering values for a task . The event will be ignored.
EventAggregateFailed205Task Scheduler failed to match the pattern of events for a task. The events will be ignored.
SessionExit301Task Scheduler is shutting down the a task engine.
SessionError303Task Scheduler is shutting down the a task engine due to an error.
SessionSentJob304Task Scheduler sent a task to a task engine.
SessionSentJobFailed305Task Scheduler did not send a task to a task engine.
SessionFailedToProcessMessage306For a Task Scheduler task engine, the thread pool failed to process the message.
SessionManagerConnectFailed307The Task Scheduler service failed to connect to a task engine process.
SessionConnected308Task Scheduler connected to a task engine process.
SessionJobsOrphaned309There are Task Scheduler tasks orphaned during a task engine shutdown.
SessionProcessStarted310Task Scheduler started a task engine process.
SessionProcessLaunchFailed311Task Scheduler failed to start a task engine process due to an error.
SessionWin32ObjectCreated312Task Scheduler created the Win32 job object for a task engine.
SessionChannelReady313The Task Scheduler channel is ready to send and receive messages.
SessionIdle314Task Scheduler has no tasks running for a task engine, and the idle timer has started.
SessionProcessConnectFailed315A task engine process failed to connect to the Task Scheduler service.
SessionMessageSendFailed316A task engine failed to send a message to the Task Scheduler service.
SessionProcessMainStarted317Task Scheduler started a task engine process.
SessionProcessMainShutdown318Task Scheduler shut down a task engine process.
SessionProcessReceivedStartJob319A task engine received a message from the Task Scheduler service requesting to launch a task.
SessionProcessReceivedStopJob320A task engine received a message from the Task Scheduler service requesting to stop a task instance.
NewInstanceIgnored322Task Scheduler did not launch a task because an instance of the same task is already running.
RunningInstanceStopped323Task Scheduler stopped an instance of a task in order to launch a new instance.
NewInstanceQueued324Task Scheduler queued an instance of a task and will launch it as soon as another instance completes.
InstanceQueued325Task Scheduler queued an instance of a task that will launch immediately.
NoStartOnBatteries326Task Scheduler did not launch a task because the computer is running on batteries. If launching the task on batteries is required, change the respective flag in the task configuration.
StoppingOnBatteries327Task Scheduler stopped an instance of a task because the computer is switching to battery power.
StoppingOffIdle328Task Scheduler stopped an instance of a task because the computer is no longer idle.
StoppingOnTimeout329Task Scheduler stopped an instance of a task because the task timed out.
StoppingOnRequest330Task Scheduler stopped an instance of a task as request by a user .
TimeoutWontWork331Task Scheduler will continue to execute an instance of a task even after the designated timeout, due to a failure to create the timeout mechanism.
NoStartUserNotLoggedOn332Task Scheduler did not launch a task because a user was not logged on when the launching conditions were met. Ensure the user is logged on or change the task definition to allow the task to launch when the user is logged off.
ScheduleServiceStart400The Task Scheduler service has started.
ScheduleServiceStartFailed401The Task Scheduler service failed to start due to an error.
ScheduleServiceStop402Task Scheduler service is shutting down.
ScheduleServiceError403The Task Scheduler service has encountered an error.
ScheduleServiceRpcInitError404The Task Scheduler service has encountered an RPC initialization error.
ScheduleServiceComInitError405The Task Scheduler service has failed to initialize COM.
ScheduleServiceCredStoreInitError406The Task Scheduler service failed to initialize the credentials store.
ScheduleServiceLsaInitError407Task Scheduler service failed to initialize LSA.
ScheduleServiceIdleServiceInitError408Task Scheduler service failed to initialize idle state detection module. Idle tasks may not be started as required.
ScheduleServiceTimeChangeInitError409The Task Scheduler service failed to initialize a time change notification. System time updates may not be picked by the service and task schedules may not be updated.
ScheduleServiceTimeChangeSignaled411Task Scheduler service received a time system change notification.
ScheduleServiceRunBootJobsFailed412Task Scheduler service failed to launch tasks triggered by computer startup. Restart the Task Scheduler service.
CompatStart700Task Scheduler service started Task Compatibility module.
CompatStartFailed701Task Scheduler service failed to start Task Compatibility module. Tasks may not be able to register on previous Window versions.
CompatStartRpcFailed702Task Scheduler failed to initialize the RPC server for starting the Task Compatibility module. Tasks may not be able to register on previous Window versions.
CompatStartNetscheduleFailed703Task Scheduler failed to initialize Net Schedule API for starting the Task Compatibility module. Tasks may not be able to register on previous Window versions.
CompatStartLsaFailed704Task Scheduler failed to initialize LSA for starting the Task Compatibility module. Tasks may not be able to register on previous Window versions.
CompatDirectoryMonitorFailed705Task Scheduler failed to start directory monitoring for the Task Compatibility module.
CompatTaskStatusUpdateFailed706Task Compatibility module failed to update a task to the required status.
CompatTaskDeleteFailed707Task Compatibility module failed to delete a task.
CompatTaskSetSdFailed708Task Compatibility module failed to set a security descriptor for a task.
CompatTaskUpdateFailed709Task Compatibility module failed to update a task.
CompatUpgradeStartFailed710Task Compatibility module failed to upgrade existing tasks. Upgrade will be attempted again next time 'Task Scheduler' service starts.
CompatUpgradeNsAccountFailed711Task Compatibility module failed to upgrade NetSchedule account.
CompatUpgradeStoreEnumFailed712Task Compatibility module failed to read existing store to upgrade tasks.
CompatUpgradeTaskLoadFailed713Task Compatibility module failed to load a task for upgrade.
CompatUpgradeTaskRegistrationFailed714Task Compatibility module failed to register a task for upgrade.
CompatUpgradeLsaCleanupFailed715Task Compatibility module failed to delete LSA store for upgrade.
CompatUpgradeFailed716Task Compatibility module failed to upgrade existing scheduled tasks.
CompatUpgradeNeedNotDetermined717Task Compatibility module failed to determine if upgrade is needed.
VistaBeta2CredstoreUpgradeFailed718Task scheduler was unable to upgrade the credential store from the Beta 2 version. You may need to re-register any tasks that require passwords.
See Also