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Task Scheduler Managed Class Library

TaskEvent Properties

The TaskEvent type exposes the following members.

Public propertyActivityId Gets the activity id. This value is null for V1 events.
Public propertyDataValues An indexer that gets the value of each of the data item values. This value is null for V1 events.
Public propertyEventId Gets the event id.
Public propertyEventRecord Gets the underlying EventRecord. This value is null for V1 events.
Public propertyLevel Gets the level. This value is null for V1 events.
Public propertyOpCode Gets the op code. This value is null for V1 events.
Public propertyProcessId Gets the process id. This value is null for V1 events.
Public propertyRecordId Gets the record id. This value is null for V1 events.
Public propertyStandardEventId Gets the StandardTaskEventId from the EventId.
Public propertyTaskCategory Gets the task category. This value is null for V1 events.
Public propertyTaskPath Gets the task path.
Public propertyTimeCreated Gets the time created.
Public propertyUserId Gets the user id. This value is null for V1 events.
Public propertyVersion Gets the version. This value is null for V1 events.
See Also