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Task Scheduler Managed Class Library

TriggerEditDialog Properties

The TriggerEditDialog type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAvailableTriggersGets or sets the available triggers.
Public propertyContainerGets the IContainer that contains the Component.
(Inherited from Component)
Protected propertyDesignModeGets a value that indicates whether the Component is currently in design mode.
(Inherited from Component)
Protected propertyEventsGets the list of event handlers that are attached to this Component.
(Inherited from Component)
Public propertySupportV1OnlyGets or sets a value indicating whether this editor only supports V1 triggers.
Public propertyTargetServerGets or sets the target server.
Public propertyTriggerGets or sets the trigger that is being edited.
Public propertyUseUnifiedSchedulingEngineGets or sets a value indicating whether dialog should restrict items to those available when using the Unified Scheduling Engine.
See Also