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Task Scheduler Managed Class Library

Trigger Properties

The Trigger type exposes the following members.

Public propertyEnabledGets or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether the trigger is enabled.
Public propertyEndBoundary Gets or sets the date and time when the trigger is deactivated. The trigger cannot start the task after it is deactivated.
Note  Note
While the maximum value for this property is MaxValue, the Windows Task Scheduler management application that is part of the OS will fail if this value is greater than December 31, 9998.
Public propertyExecutionTimeLimit Gets or sets the maximum amount of time that the task launched by this trigger is allowed to run. Not available with Task Scheduler 1.0.
Public propertyIdGets or sets the identifier for the trigger. Cannot set with Task Scheduler 1.0.
Public propertyRepetition Gets a RepetitionPattern instance that indicates how often the task is run and how long the repetition pattern is repeated after the task is started.
Public propertyStartBoundaryGets or sets the date and time when the trigger is activated.
Public propertyTriggerTypeGets the type of the trigger.
See Also