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Task Scheduler Managed Class Library

RunningTask Properties

The RunningTask type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCurrentActionGets the name of the current action that the running task is performing.
Public propertyDefinitionGets the definition of the task.
(Inherited from Task)
Public propertyEnabledGets or sets a Boolean value that indicates if the registered task is enabled.
(Inherited from Task)
Public propertyEnginePIDGets the process ID for the engine (process) which is running the task.
Public propertyFolderGets an instance of the parent folder.
(Inherited from Task)
Public propertyInstanceGuidGets the GUID identifier for this instance of the task.
Public propertyIsActiveGets a value indicating whether this task instance is active.
(Inherited from Task)
Public propertyLastRunTimeGets the time the registered task was last run.
(Inherited from Task)
Public propertyCode exampleLastTaskResultGets the results that were returned the last time the registered task was run.
(Inherited from Task)
Public propertyNameGets the name of the registered task.
(Inherited from Task)
Public propertyNextRunTimeGets the time when the registered task is next scheduled to run.
(Inherited from Task)
Public propertyNumberOfMissedRunsGets the number of times the registered task has missed a scheduled run.
(Inherited from Task)
Public propertyPathGets the path to where the registered task is stored.
(Inherited from Task)
Public propertyReadOnly Gets a value indicating whether this task is read only. Only available if AllowReadOnlyTasks is true.
(Inherited from Task)
Public propertySecurityDescriptorObsolete.
Gets or sets the security descriptor for the task.
(Inherited from Task)
Public propertyStateGets the operational state of the running task.
(Overrides TaskState)
Public propertyTaskServiceGets or sets the TaskService that manages this task.
(Inherited from Task)
Public propertyXmlGets the XML-formatted registration information for the registered task.
(Inherited from Task)
See Also