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Task Scheduler Managed Class Library

ITaskEditor Properties

The ITaskEditor type exposes the following members.

Public propertyEditable Gets or sets a value indicating whether this TaskEditDialog is editor.Editable.
(Inherited from ITaskDefinitionEditor)
Public propertyIsV2 Gets or sets a value indicating whether this task definition is v2.
(Inherited from ITaskDefinitionEditor)
Public propertyShowErrors Gets or sets a value indicating whether errors are shown in the UI.
(Inherited from ITaskDefinitionEditor)
Public propertyTask Gets the current Task. This is only the task used to initialize this control. The updates made to the control are not registered.
Public propertyTaskDefinition Gets the TaskDefinition in its edited state.
(Inherited from ITaskDefinitionEditor)
Public propertyTaskFolder Gets or sets the folder for the task. If control is initialized with a Task, this value will be set to the folder of the registered task.
Public propertyTaskName Gets or sets the name of the task. If control is initialized with a Task, this value will be set to the name of the registered task.
Public propertyTaskService Gets the TaskService assigned at initialization.
(Inherited from ITaskDefinitionEditor)
See Also